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Post-doc en acoustique musicale à Hambourg, Alemagne

Ci-deesous une annonce pour un Post-doc de 3 ans en Acoustique musicale / traitement de signal

Les dossiers sont à envoyer au Prof. Rolf Bader:

Rolf (point) Bader (at) uni-hamburg (point) de

Message originale

The Institute of Systematic Musicology offers a PostDoc position in the field of

Musical Acoustics / Musical Signal Processing

from 1.10.2014 for three years. The position can be prolonged for another three years. Deadline for applications is 25.7.2014.

Applicants are asked to submit a plan for a Habilitation on the subject (2-3 pages). In Germany a Habilitation is the highest academic rank after a PhD which formally was needed to become a professor in Germany. It means to write a thesis and defend it, similar to the procedure of a PhD.

The application, Habilitation, and the lectures at the Institute can all be in English, no German language is required. Please find attached the official call for applications (in German only).

Applications should be sent to my address.

The Institute supports Musical Acoustics and Signal Processing, Music Psychology and Neurocognition as well as Music Ethnology and related fields ( It has equipment for Acoustical research (anechoic chamber, microphone array, laser interferometry, high-speed camera, 3D Scanner, etc.) as well as soft- and hardware for Signal Processing (FPGA hardware, Room Acoustics software, FEM, FDM-Software, etc.).

It would be very kind of you if you would forward this call to possible candidates in the field.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
GSAM (23 juin 2014). Post-doc en acoustique musicale à Hambourg, Alemagne. Groupe Spécialisé d'Acoustique Musicale de la SFA. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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